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Christmas Tree Mystery

Thus far, she says the crime scene clues include a slightly askew tree skirt, two vacant metal hooks embedded into the carpet, a random red bulb resting silently in the middle of the room and one “innocent” looking kitty peering out at me from between the brightly lit branches.

So on behalf of Mandy, I have to ask you cat owners out there: What is it about cats and Christmas trees? I've been fortunate to never have owned a feline who enjoys CLIMBING UP the tree, like some friends of mine have. But I have known a few who enjoy destroying the tree. Every. Single. Night... Until it is taken down. How about you? Does your kitty enjoy destroying your tree? If so, do you let him do it? Or do you meow-proof your decorations? I'd love to hear from you and would especially welcome any advice you might like to share with Mandy and the rest of our readers.

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